Puerto Vallarta’s Transportation Issues Need to be Sorted Out


Puerto Vallarta, Jal.-  Gabriel Igartúa Sánchez, President of the Mexican Association of corporate Presidents (AMEXE), is of the idea that Government authoritiesWorkersUnions and the Financial Sector should sit down to talk and solve Puerto Vallarta’s transportation issue.Do not let transportationbe a castle in the skyany longer.



In this regard, he pointed out that despite the new company created to regulate this service, no improvement has been seenso far. He said that this topic is of great importance and pertinent authorities should take appropriateactions to remedy the problem.



"Transportation should not be seen as an isolated feature,oras something dangerous.It must be seenfor what it really is.  It is necessary to sit downandcome up with decisions that will work, not like the ones that have been made before:illusions but not solutions.



Igartúa Sánchez said that nobody has benefited from how things have been working.  On the contrary,the problem remains, and it needs to be solved before it gets worst.



At the same time, he said,public transportation should not be label asproblem since there are many others systemic problems. However, he recognized thatthis particular issue should be confronted and solved once and for all.



The President of AMEXE emphasized that all agencies are working within the same framework.Such is the case of the Historical Center Committee.  "We are already consolidating the operational aspects as whole.Wandthe President are working on the operational structure".



Finally, Gabriel Igartúa Sánchez said thateven though the process has been slow, it shouldbe agreed on who are the ideal people to work and make thetool of co-responsibility an integral part of society,without   authorities feeling like an invasion to theirpower andauthority.

[readon1 url="index.php?option=com_sobipro&pid=1&sid=703:mar&Itemid=212"]Source:www.VallartaToday.com-by MAR Translation Services[/readon1]






State Governor Inaugurates Expansion of PET Recycling Plant


Puerto Vallarta, Jal. - Jorge Aristóteles Sandoval Díaz, State Governor, inaugurated last Friday the second phase of GREEN MIND’SPET (polyethylene politereftalato) recycling plant.  The social, economic and environmental commitment this company generates with its operations, for the benefit of thousands of citizens of the State of Jalisco, were recognized on this occasion.

Sandoval Diaz said that the utmost importance that this company, considered globally the largest of its kind has, is the value that it adds by processing more than 250,000 bottles of plastic or PET, providing a range of opportunities for the recycling industry and for the conservation of the environment.

"GREEN MIND is an example to be followed. This company takes on the leadership and by doing so, contributes to increase the strength of three fundamental aspects: Ecology, Economy and Social Development", said the Executive head of State.

He added that, in the social aspect, this recycling plant enables collectors and all workers who are linked with the production base, to obtain economic benefits and a secure source of income for the development of hundreds of Jalisco’s families.

"GREEN MIND’s actions also contribute to foment the culture of separating waste. That is why is so important that we learn to reuse raw materials. I congratulate GREEN MIND’s managers, because with their vision, they build a better place to live", said Jalisco‘s Governor.

In terms of regulation and procedures for the installation of this type of companies, the State Governor said that they will soon begin to facilitate these processes with the support of technology, which will generate certainty and will attract new investments.

"The greatest incentive I have to continue doing my job, is seeing business enterprises developing in the State of Jalisco”.  

 Said byJorge Aristoteles Sandoval Diaz, Governor of the State of Jalisco

Important information:

• GREEN MIND recycles nearly six million plastic bottles that otherwise could pollute the environment

• The company has 12 collection and recycling plants, and it is located in Tlajomulco de Zúñiga municipality.


[readon1 url="index.php?option=com_sobipro&pid=1&sid=703:mar&Itemid=212"]Source:www.VallartaToday.com-by MAR Translation Services[/readon1]




Inaugura Gobernador del Estado ampliación de planta de reciclaje de PET

Puerto Vallarta’s Institute Tourism Trains its Personnel

Inauguracion curso seguridad Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta, Jal. - Personnel of Puerto Vallarta Institute of Tourism were trained, this past week, on issues of safety and on how to prevent and/or react effectively to potential risks and threats to tourist destinations and facilities. The course was organized by the Federal Ministry of Tourism with the support of the Organization of American States (OAS).

Agustín Álvarez Valdivia, Director of the Department of Tourism, informed that the specific objectives of the course were to strengthen the security system of the tourism industry and to improve the ability to react efficiently by promoting premeditated, preventive and crisis management lines of attack. The participation of the Department of Tourism in this matter was very significant.

The exchange of information and the establishment of an experts’ network for tourism security were promoted. Skills in touristic abilities and security supervisors were reinforced.

These courses also encouraged a culture of awareness and understanding of the required balance between economic and security issues; as well as the growth, development and maintenance of tourist and recreational facilities; including transportation services.

‘Kroll Advisory Solutions’ Experts’, who lecture the courses, explained that one of the most important accomplishments of these courses was the foundation of a relationship of trust, to facilitate both sectors and to work together on efforts coordination.

They explained that they reached their objective of making touristic communities aware and sensitive to the importance of solid and noticeable security, for the benefit and conservation of tourism. By doing so, the local industry has acquired the necessary instruments to cooperate and to manage the risks they might need to tackle. 

The implementation and encouragement of better practices to protect and deal with tourists, facilitates the creation of a local, regional and transnational corporation network, with members of various sectors of the tourism industry. Through this network, they can share experiences, discuss problems and find solutions in order to constantly improve.

The content of these courses included topics such as: Safety in the industry of tourism; Mexico from an international perspective; Violence in Mexico and its effect on local tourism and Local security; Analysis of risks and threats. Diagnosis and safety evaluation as well as Communication and Crisis Management were also studied and discussed in these courses.

[readon1 url="index.php?option=com_sobipro&pid=1&sid=703:mar&Itemid=212"]Source:www.VallartaToday.com-by MAR Translation Services[/readon1]




Call Kurtis Investigates: Mexican Timeshare Nightmare

timeshare tactics

PUERTO VALLARTA — Maybe you’ve been approached with an offer for a free dinner, an excursion or tequila to get you to a timeshare presentation. Pete and Sue High of Auburn say they were approached while shopping in town. The man offered them $450 to attend a 90-minute presentation at the luxurious Puerto Bahia Villas and Spa.

“That was the start of the nightmare,” Pete said.


The couple says that ninety minutes turned into eight excruciating hours of rotating and relentless salespeople pressuring them.

“They were persuasive,” Sue recalls. “They kept pushing us and we’d say no and they’d say something else.”

Kurtis: Why didn’t you leave?

Pete: We were waiting to get what they promised us.

Kurtis: $450.

Pete: 5000 Pesos.

The couple says without asking, a glass of red wine showed up for her and an already cracked open can of beer for him. They claim they drank it because they were thirsty after sitting there for six hours. Soon after sipping those drinks, both say they felt funny.

“I felt sick,” Sue recalls.

She describes Pete as being in a trance and lethargic.


The next thing they knew they were initialing page after page agreeing to open up RCI MasterCards to cover the down payment and closing costs totaling $21,900. They say the next morning they noticed someone fudged figures on their credit application to show Sue had a higher salary. They also claim the paperwork did not include everything they said they were verbally promised.


CBS13 tracked down a former employee of Puerto Bahia.

“I cannot look at myself in the mirror anymore,” said Rafael Kosche.

He says he worked at the resort for one month. “I feel dirty and ashamed.”

He says they were instructed to do whatever they needed to do to close the sale. Kosche did not sell to Pete and Sue, but says booze was regularly brought to the negotiation table without people asking.

“After four hours of not drinking, not eating, half a beer you start to feel buzzed,” he said.

Kosche even recalls salespeople pretending to be buyers staging a signing. As part of the fake celebration, he says champagne was passed out to everyone in the room; even nondrinkers who were being pressured into buying.

“They purposefully use alcohol to get people to the point they can’t think straight anymore,” he said. They’re tired. They’re exhausted and can’t think straight. That’s when you zero in like a vulture and take advantage of them.”


CBS13 spoke with a dozen Puerto Bahia customers across the country and Canada. The majority say they too were offered alcohol during negotiations. All said they were lied to during negotiations and did not get everything promised.


Brian Rogers runs the Timeshare Users Group http://www.tug2.net/ The website claims it provides the truth about timeshares. His family started the site years ago after being ripped off. He compares Mexico timeshare presentations to the wild wild west saying people have posted similar stories online from other resorts. Some even claim they were drugged.
One person wrote online, “The room spun a little and everything became vague and kind of numb or zombie like.”

“People have claimed they felt lightheaded or felt woozy or felt otherwise intoxicated,” Rogers said.


We hopped a plane to Mexico to investigate and learned Mexico has a consumer protection agency called Profeco. Gabriela Cervantes claims six couples a day come to her office upset about a presentation they attended.

KURTIS: How aggressive are these salespeople?

CERVANTES: Very aggressive
She claims she’s never heard of anybody being given alcohol or getting drugged during negotiations.

KURTIS: Does that surprise you?


KURTIS: You’ve never heard of that before?


CBS13 spoke with several attorneys who focus on timeshare lawsuits who find that hard to believe.


The morning after signing the contract, Pete and Sue said they called RCI MasterCard to explain what happened and to cancel those cards. They showed up to the Profeco office in Puerto Vallarta and learned under Mexican law they had five days to get out of the contract. http://embamex.sre.gob.mx/canada_eng/images/consumer.pdf
Profeco wrote them a cancellation letter in Spanish. Pete and Sue say they hand delivered it to Puerto Bahia and never heard from the resort again.

Once they got home, they say dozens of collection calls started coming in threatening legal action if they didn’t pay.

Profeco would not supply us with copies of complaints, but admits they’ve received quite a few about Puerto Bahia.

“The process for canceling in my experience has not been that easy for them,” Cervantes said.


I took the thirty minute cab ride North of Puerto Vallarta to the neighboring state of Nayarit where Puerto Bahia is located. The beautiful property is up and a hill in the jungle overlooking the Pacific. I was met by salesperson Elizabeth Rocha who agreed to sit down with me.

KURTIS: Do you normally serve alcohol during these presentations?

ROCHA: Not that I know. Not that I’m aware of.

She told me alcohol is only served once people sign as a celebration.

KURTIS: Do you ever try to get people drunk to get them to sign?


KURTIS: Do you think these people are making this up?

ROCHA: Geez. I’m not in their head, I cannot answer for you.

We showed her the cancellation letter Pete and Sue delivered to them back in 2013.

KURTIS: Why wouldn’t that have happened by now? It’s been more than a year.

ROCHA: It’s been more than a year. (Laughter) I don’t know.


KURTIS: Now that we brought this to your attention, will you help these people?

“You’ve done more in two weeks, than we were able to do in seventeen months,” she said.

It brought them a feeling of relief. It’s the same feeling Kosche got leaving his job at Puerto Bahia after just one month.

“I feel dirty that I even participated and if I could go to all the different people that I sold timeshares, I would love to apologize to them,” he said.

Pete and Sue don’t plan to sit through another timeshare presentation the next time they visit Mexico, although they did walk away with what initially got them to Puerto Bahia in the first place.

KURTIS: They did give you $450. Was it worth it?



I can’t speak truly about the former 2013 actions sales individuals were using to enhance purchase of the program as I was not part of the development.

Since my involvement with the company as of January 2014 I can address that sales have been conducted in the proper manner. Alcoholic beverages such as Champagne glass or margaritas are a courtesy offer to clients who have decided to purchase the program and wish to celebrate that is after they sign initial agreement sheet) This servings are limited and never offered in extended.

Also it is a rule and always has been that each client has a meeting in the private office with the Verification Officer who explains terms of the program and all the details. During this meeting no alcohols is being served and it is always addressed to clients what they are purchasing, what terms and what is our obligations and theirs….. If any verbal promises or incentives are or were addressed during presentations such are precisely revised with the Verification officer. And Upon this members sign the agreement.

They are allowed time to review each paragraph and ask questions. Signing of the agreement is certainly nor (sic) forced, never has been and they have as per law rescission time to change their mind. -Dorota Antoszkiewicz


CBS13 also worked with BarclayCard which operates RCI MasterCard. The company said it could not talk specifics about the case for privacy reasons.

“While I can’t get into the specifics of the account, I can let you know that the issue has been resolved… Barclays issued credits for the full balance on Mr. and Mrs. High’s account. They will receive a letter from Barclays explaining the actions taken on their behalf.” –Nicole DyeAnderson, BarclayCard

Web-headshot-Kurtis-MingKurtis Ming
Eight-time Emmy Award winner Kurtis Ming is CBS13’s consumer investigative reporter. Since joining CBS13 in 2003, he’s held the position of general assignment reporter and weekend anchor, before starting the “Call Kurtis” consumer advocacy program, which has helped viewers get back millions of dollars and resolve thousands of disputes since 2006.

Email Kurtis
Twitter: @CBS13CallKurtis
Facebook: Facebook/CallKurtis






Vallarta's Juvenile Integration Center Offers Advice and Smoking Cessation Sessions

smoke0415There are many ways to quit smoking and many resources to help you. Family members, friends and working partners can be a great support, however to succeed you must be willing to quit smoking. Most people who have had success quitting smoking had at least tried once and not succeeded in the past. Try not to see those tries as failures but as learning experiences. It is difficult to quit smoking however anybody can do it.

Are you ready to quit smoking?

First of all set a date and quit smoking that whole day.

Before that date, you can start by reducing the number of cigarettes, however you must remember there is no such thing as harmless number of cigarettes. Make a list of why you want to quit smoking. Include benefits in short and long term. Tell every friend, family member and working partners your plan of quitting smoking and the date you'll be willing to start. This can help because people around you will know what you are going through and your mood changes as well. Get rid of all cigarettes just before starting and clean any smelly clothes and furniture. Get rid of ashtrays or other related objects.

Make a plan

Make a plan of what you will be doing instead of having a smoke in very specific situations. For example, have a cup of tea instead of coffee, since tea will not make you want a cigarette, or for instance go for a walk if stressed. Instead of ashtrays and cigarettes in the automobile you can put cookies or candies. Pretend you're smoking by using a wooden stick in your mouth. Find some activities using your hands and mind, but warning these activities must be done to get exhausted not fat. For instance you can play on your computer, sew, solve crossword puzzles as well as doing sports, going to the movies, etc.

Changing you life

Make some changes in your life style. For example change schedules and daily habits. Eat various times a day instead of 3 big meals. Sit in a different chair or even use a different room. Satisfy your oral habits in different ways. Eat celery and other low calorie snacks. Have some sugar free chewing gum or have a cinnamon stick. Attend to public places and restaurants where it is prohibited to smoke. Avoid eating too much candy or sweetened meals. Work out. Walk or ride a bike. Exercise can get rid of the willing to smoke.

Establish some goals

Establish some goals when quitting smoking on a short term and reward yourself when accomplished. You can save every day the amount of money you would be spending if buying cigarettes. Then you can buy something you like. Take one day at a time. One simple smoke can increase the desire of continuing smoking. However it is O.K. to make mistakes. Even if you smoke one cigarette it does not mean you will be smoking the next.

Other advice

Join a smoking cessation program. These are frequently offered by hospitals and community centers. You can also learn about self-hypnosis or other techniques. Ask your doctor about medicines that can help you quit nicotine and tobacco and prevent relapse. Find out about patches, chewing gum and nicotine sprays.

If you can not quit smoking the first time do not be sad about it. Nicotine addiction is a difficult habit to break. Try something different next time. Develop new strategies and try over again. Many people have tried many times until finally quitting smoking.

In the Juvenile Integration Center (Centros de Integración Juvenil), Puerto Vallarta, we have a 10 session treatment to quit smoking. Join us now!

For more information, our telephone number (322) 290-0555 and 290-0568. Email isThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The Juvenile Integration Center is located at Durango #479 (corner of Jalisco) in the Mojoneras Colony of Puerto Vallarta.

Psychologist Beatriz Barrón Hernández. Juvenile Integration Center Director.
Translated by Karla Beatriz Martínez Barrón



Sun, Sea, Sand and Adventure: Family Holidays on Mexico’s Pacific Coast

  • With many families looking to venture outside of Europe and experiencesomewhere different
    this summer discover the latest child friendly destination taking the UK by storm…

Puerto Vallarta and Riviera Nayarit, two stunning neighbouring regions on Mexico’s Pacific Coast offer something to suit all ages and interests. What to do Those looking for a family beach vacation will love Mexico’s Pacific Coast, with over 250 miles of coastline and endless beaches it is perfect for walks, surfing, building sand castles, playing beach games and just plain old sunbathing.

In Puerto Vallarta be sure to pay a visit to Playa Conchas Chinas, a stunning beach stretching out to the Sierra Madre Mountains, while in Riviera Nayarit Playa de Sayulita is the ideal place to unwind.As well as relaxation, there are also a number of family adventures to be had in the regions. In Puerto Vallarta there are a number of excursions, such as the jungle canopy adventure run through Vallarta Adventures, suitable for children aged 8+. With elevated treetop platforms, a wobbly climb up a 50ft high Crazy Ladder, Tarzan Swings, plus suspended walkways and hanging bridges, this playground in the trees provides endless excitement. The adventure continues 3.5 hours north of Nuevo Vallarta (Riviera Nayarit), in San Blas, an idyllic fishing village best known for its friendly locals and delicious fresh specialty cuisine, considered a bird watching paradise. Take a cruise down the river La Tovara through mangroves, visiting the crocodile reserve and exploring rustic towns and historic ruins, delivering a truly authentic experience.

For more fun in the sun, Aquaventuras Water Park in Riviera Nayarit is a great choice for a full day of activities and is conveniently located just minutes from the Nuevo Vallarta Hotel Zone. With large pools, a ‘little water world for kids’, 10 water slides and toboggans and a relaxing lazy river the park is equipped with everything you could wish for. Visitors can even watch amazing dolphin and sea lion shows starring acrobatic marine animals, or get up close during a swim with dolphin and sea lions program that lets you interact with these fabulous marine mammals for a truly unforgettable experience.

If wildlife is a passion then it is interesting to note that the areas are home to a wide variety of rare species. With over 300 species of birds to see, Puerto Vallarta’s exotic Botanical Gardens are the ideal place to see these tropical creatures, with special trails on offer. In Riviera Nayarit there are also several prime deep sea fishing spots for both novice and seasoned sport fishermen, such as Punta Mita where the family can get involved in catching anything from common tuna to Amberjack and Roosterfish - you can even end the day in a local restaurant cooking up your catch.

Where to stay In Puerto Vallarta: Sunset Plaza Beach Resort & Spa (http://www.hotelsunsetplaza.com/en/) This fashionable property is built with families in mind. As well as a great range of amenities for adults including a spa, high-tech gym and lively lobby bar, there are also a lot of things for kids too. The well-manned kids’ club features fun daily activities, a playground and kids pool. 

Holiday Inn (www.ihg.com/holidayinnresorts/hotels/us/en/puerto-vallarta/pvrfs/hoteldetail) For a more mid-range budget hotel this hotel delivers pretty much everything you could want. There's a large pool and a separate kids pool with mini water slide. Additionally, there are two tennis courts and a games room with air hockey and X-Box stations. For children aged 4-12 there is a Kids' Club, which has supervised crafts and activities and special Kids' Suites are available for families. 

In Riviera Nayarit:Four Seasons Punta Mita (www.fourseasons.com/puntamita/) For a luxurious experience in Riviera Nayarit the Four Seasons is known for its outstanding children's program, which includes not only kids menus at the restaurants and the free use of cribs, but also welcome gifts, free baby toiletries, a fun lazy river, large suites and villas suited for families and babysitting services. Plus the resort’s fantastic kids club even has a tree house, a playground and a movie theater!Royal Decameron Costa Flamingos (www.decameron.com/promosite/index.php/en/)Located in Bucerias this all-inclusive hotel oozes fun through its bright color scheme and exciting live shows. On the seven-acre plot there are a number of great amenities geared towards families including a kiddy pool, outdoor tennis courts with free lessons available, free use of non-motorized water sport equipment, a soccer field and bicycles for loan.


TMS Family Travel Summit 2015 To Be Held In The Riviera Nayarit


  • This is the first time the event will be held outside the United States and will revolve around “Opportunities in International Family Travel & Reaching New Markets.”

The TMS Family Travel Summit 2015 will take place in the Riviera Nayarit from April 23-25, an event that came together with the collaboration of the Iberostar Playa Mita and the Public Relations Department of the Riviera Nayarit Convention and Visitors Bureau.

This company specializes in producing conferences for family destinations and expert travel agents, airlines, hotels, writers, bloggers, media, PR agencies, marketing specialists and influencers in the family travel segment.

Attendees at the event will be updated on the latest family travel trends in order to facilitate marketing strategies and better fulfill the needs of the segment. There will be 9 sessions total, with a focus on “Opportunities in International Family Travel & Reaching New Markets.” 


There will be two pre-tours held from April 21-23 in order to give attendees a deeper insight into the region, as well as a post-tour on April 25-26. One of the tours will visit Puerto Vallarta and the others will spotlight different locations including Bucerías, Nuevo Vallarta, San Pancho, Guayabitos and San Blas.  

During the event all of the attendees will have an afternoon dedicated to visiting the Islas Marietas and Sayulita, where the Mexico Tourism Board will host a dinner.

The family travel segment is one of strongest segments in the leisure market with over 100 million trips per year that include minors under the age of 18; 34% of these trips include grandparents traveling with their grandkids; and 79% of those on family trips stay in hotels. These stats tie in with the Riviera Nayarit and its excellent hotel infrastructure.

Invited media includes Yahoo, ABC News, Los Angeles Times and Travel Age West. The event will also be covered in family travel specialty sites such as www.takingthekids.com and www.myfamilytravels.com among others, which will help broadcast the covered topics as well as information on the destination. There will be other influential writers present from markets important to the Riviera Nayarit such as England and Mexico, as well.

The group has business ties to over 700 thousand hotels around the world through more than 200 reservation sites. They manage 24 languages and serve 45 million visitors per month, fielding an average of two million searches a day.


We “Country Shopped” To Find Our Right Fit


When my husband, Mike, and I celebrated New Year’s Day 2008 and our 7th wedding anniversary in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, we were feeling good about where we were in our world. As with so many other people, that came to a crashing halt quickly—on February 1, 2008, we had to close our real estate business.

We sucked in our belts and put ourselves on an austerity program. Doing so, we managed to scrape by on a monthly basis…but we never seemed to get ahead of the debt we carried from our business. So in December, 2011, we finally sat down and looked at our options for moving forward.We saw that we had a couple of choices: We could stay put and—at ages 59 and 62—keep trying, knowing that we didn’t have the energy nor savings to last us through old age. Or, based on all of our research, we could sell everything we owned in the U.S., become debt free, and move to another country where we could live well on our Social Security income while salvaging what savings we had left.It was a no-brainer: The whole world was at our fingertips. We managed to hone it down to a few essential criteria:

• Mike’s wanted to live in a Spanish-speaking country.
• I wanted to be somewhere where it was warm year round, but not be an island.
• We both wanted good infrastructure; a good healthcare system at a much lower cost; a stable government; a walkable location with a good public transportation system where we could live without a car; and, of course, a lower cost of living. 

We used some of our savings to travel between countries—”country shopping” as we called it—as an investment into our future. It was a small price to pay, we felt, for having no regrets later once our choice had been made.Then, we set a goal monthly budget of $1,800 a month (including rent but excluding health insurance). This budget was our full income at the time without having to dip into our savings.

Initially, we chose to explore Panama, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Uruguay, and Spain. Each of these countries would allow us to stay for three months on a tourist visa. In each, we decided, we would live one month in three different towns, so we could compare different types of climates and housing, whether in the mountains, inland, or on the beach.

Panama was our first country and we chose Boquete, Pedasi, and the Gorgona/Coronado area. While in Panama, we decided to take Uruguay off the list. It has four seasons, which didn’t appeal to us.

From Panama we went to Costa Rica and stayed in the Lake Arenal region, the Central Valley town Grecia, and Tamarindo. While in Tamarindo, a growing beach town on the Pacific Coast, we decided without a doubt that we needed a truly warm tropical climate, beaches, and sunsets.We started to think differently about where we would end up, too. The more we knew we wanted a beach lifestyle, the more we began comparing every beach location to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, where we had vacationed for years.

PV, MexicoThe slower pace of life in Puerto Vallarta is intoxicating: locals, expats, and tourists are all happy here.

The funny thing is, we hadn’t put Puerto Vallarta on our initial list because we thought it would be too expensive. In reality, we hadn’t done our homework like we had on the other locations.After further investigation, we realized how misinformed we were. We added Puerto Vallarta, Mexico back onto our list.

We added Nicaragua, too, after taking a day trip there while in Costa Rica.

We continued to Ecuador visiting Salinas, Bahia de Caraquez, and traveling for a month in the highland cities. Then we headed back to Granada and San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua.

But the die had been cast. On December 15, 2013 we landed in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; one month later declared ourselves “home.”

Why? Because PV checks off every one of our wish list boxes and offers more besides. The culture and architecture are exceptional and we’re surrounded by beauty: from the beaches on the Pacific Ocean Bay to mountains covered by lush green jungles. I love watching the stunning sunsets over the Bay of Banderas, people watching on the malecon or beach, or enjoying a water-taxi ride in the Bay.And the slower pace of life is intoxicating: locals, expats, and tourists are all happy here. Finally, the excellent infrastructure makes life comfortable and easy.

A year and a half later, we’re still certain, after all our research, that it is the right spot for us.




Children Learn Environmental Issues by Reflection and Playing

COMUNICADO 533 4 642x336

Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco. - Third grade students from Guadalupe Martínez Elementary School, participated in a recycling workshop in which, through computer games, learned about the importance of separation of garbage and the caring of animals and plants for the conservation of the environment.

The workshop is meant to explain to students the importance of generating waste and the effect of the waste in the environment. They were taught how to separate garbage and place it in different containers. They learn that separating waste is very essential, and that it should be done at school and at home. They were also told of the problems that are created when waste contaminates rivers and beaches; of the consequences of contamination and of the damage caused to animals, which might die by consuming garbage that they mistake for food.

Sixty nine children participated in the workshop. They learned to identify waste and to separate it while playing computer games. They also elaborated a scroll with recycled paper, and each child drew the animal or plant they considered should be protected.

Responses from students have been positive. Parents have remarked that their children have begun to promote separation of waste at home. In this way Children are starting to contribute to the culture of awareness that will eventually lead to the improvement of the environment.

This is part of the Environmental Education Program, where workshops on separation of garbage, the conservation of turtles, crocodiles and flora and fauna and certification of beaches are combined. These workshops are offered to all schools in Puerto Vallarta, from kindergarten to University students; so that teachers may incorporate them as a complementary part, in their core curriculum.

Schools that would like to have one of these workshops to be provided to their students, can call the Department of Environment and Ecology, at 1788225 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, and/or talk directly to the person in charge of this program at 3221218062 so as to agree on the date, time and place.

COMUNICADO 533 2 642x336

[readon1 url="index.php?option=com_sobipro&pid=1&sid=703:mar&Itemid=212"]Source:www.VallartaToday.com-by MAR Translation Services[/readon1]


Puerto Vallarta Celebrates Manuel Lepe’s Day


Puerto Vallarta, Jal. - Puerto Vallarta’s City authorities, students, family members and friends of the late Artist, Manuel Lepe Macedo, commemorated the Artist’s official day, this past Friday, April 17, celebrating his birthday.

The artistic and cultural memory of the internationally renowned Puerto Vallarta born artist, was honored with a walk along the waterfront, from October 31 Street until Jetty II, where a mural of one of his works can be appreciated.

Students from November 20 elementary school, together with children from Manuel Lepe and March 21 Kindergartens and Puerto Vallarta citizens in general, participated in this event that started at 9:00 in the morning. An offering was placed by the attendees in honor of the well known Puerto Vallarta’s painter.

Manuel Lepe was born April 17, 1936 in Puerto Vallarta. He was the architect of Puerto Vallarta’s naive style, popular known as ‘Vallartense style’, and is the only Mexican painter enlisted in France’s Naive Art Directory.

Through his paintings, Manuel Lepe became one of Puerto Vallarta’s huge promoters in the world. President Luis Echeverría named him "The painter of Mexico". His work can be appreciated in museums and galleries all over the world. Out of his –more or less- 43 exhibits, the most earth-shattering, was the one organized by the Museum of Art and Industry in Los Angeles, California, in 1979. This exhibit attracted more than one million visitors. Manuel Lepe Macedo passed away September 9, 1984.

By Municipal agreement, April 17 was instituted as Manuel Lepe Day in 1998. 

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Earth Day

KACO EarthDay

PUERTO VALLARTA: April 22nd may just seem like any old day to many people. To others, this is better known as Earth Day. It is one of the few environmental holidays around that celebrates our planet across all countries. The holiday has activism in its roots, although it is a widely peaceful holiday. Earth Day serves as an important reminder that not doing anything impacts the environment just the same as harming it.


In the late 1960s, people were becoming more aware of their surroundings along with many of the atrocities that were taking place. This was also the start of the early stages of the modern day environmental movement. The public started to question how oil use impacted the environment. Major cities across the United States were already suffering from air pollution, including Los Angeles.

In 1970, Senator Gaylord Nelson from Wisconsin was inspired to create a day for environmental awareness after seeing a tragic oil spill in southern California. He also gained inspiration from young activists of the day who regularly stood up against officials for wrongdoings, such as war and racism.

Senator Nelson declared the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970. During this day, 20 million people took the streets in support of this concept. Earth Day was founded as a way to help increase environmental awareness, as well as promote changes within communities to help make the world a better place for everyone.

The first Earth Day was so successful that it spawned a non-profit group called the Earth Day Network in 1993. Now the holiday is celebrated in almost 200 countries and by over 500 million people globally. It is considered one of the largest secular holidays in the world, and one that everyone has a stake in.

Types of Celebrations

While Earth Day may have been inspired by activism and protests, this holiday is celebrated in numerous ways. Children are encouraged to participate by making pictures of the earth or helping grown-ups plant trees. Mass recycling and trash pickup events are also often organized on Earth Day.

Educational events are numerous on this holiday. Some of the facts may come across as negative, but the overall message of Earth Day is a positive one. People are encouraged to celebrate the holiday in their own way, but the point is that everyone can make a difference in the environment by making small changes in their lifestyles.


To some people, making personal changes isn’t enough. Earth Day is often a day for protests across the globe, particularly against oil manufacturers and other industries that are viewed as negatively contributing to the environment. The majority of these protests are peaceful, but they can be dangerous in nations that do not protect freedom of speech as openly as the United States.


While Earth Day has undoubtedly gained many supporters over the last few decades, it is not considered an official public holiday. If Earth Day falls on a weekday, schools, banks and government offices are still open. In some environmental industries, however, some employers grant their workers the day off or host celebrations at work.

Many teachers have taken Earth Day a step further by including lessons about the environment over the course of the entire week.



Selena Gomez Debuts Her Newfound Curves and We’re Obsessed

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Selena Gomez  recently skipped out on the Justin Bieber roast, and we can only imagine it was because she was off getting even more fabulous. The 22-year-old vacationed in Puerto Vallarta last week and posted jaw-dropping pics of her new body. Seriously, where did those curves come from and how can we get some??

The best part about Selena’s bodacious bod is her appreciation for her new curves. “I love being happy with me yall #theresmoretolove,” reads the caption. Since her getaway pics, the star already stripped down again, posting this yesterday:

Now that’s how you wear a damn towel. Do you think we’ll be getting more pics from Selena? We hope so, because she looks amazing.





