Due to carelessness of fishermen who forget their nets in the sea.
Once again an increase in the number of entangled whales has been reported, this time one was located in front of Conchas Chinas, informed biologist Astrid Frisch Jordán, who added that one more was reported but not located because the report was incomplete.
She said that last Friday, the entangled humpback whale was detected by her, near Los Arcos, near Conchas Chinas. "I found it because I went out early on a research trip", said the biologist, detailing that it was a "good coincidence because it was early".
She commented that she goes out once or twice a week on research trips, and this time she had the chance to locate the whale, and Profepa elements were very helpful in its rescue, since in that area there is an intense traffic of tourist boats and they were diverting to avoid a collision with the whale.
Soon the RABEN team arrived, which is an inter-institutional team of people trained to carry out rescues of whales entangled in fishing gear. In order to proceed with the release of the whale, care was taken to ensure that no boats approached.
"We were doing maneuvers for four hours, it took us to Yelapa, it was a little difficult because the mothers are always like that, because they protect their calf and do not like to be approached and then they are complicated maneuvers, with a lot of patience and to throw it head first", said the biologist.
She added that the remains of the net were removed, "what we call ghost net, it was not the complete net but the remains of a gill net, which was on the head and reached the end of the body and more or less, about 30 or 32 meters of line, plus the buoys and some remains of the net, it had several buoys, but small, it was different from the last case which were big buoys, in this case they are small buoys like doughnuts".
It is important to mention that fishing nets should not be left forgotten in the sea, to avoid this type of accidents. Whale watching is the most important attraction in the bay, besides representing a source of income.