By Polly G. Vicars
No hitches, no foul-ups, no late deliveries, no rain, no wind detracted from this event. A diverse group, mostly Mexicans with a few of us gringos, mostly young folks with a few of us oldies were all united in our common joy for the occasion: the wedding of Yoanne Carrillo Jiménez and eldest Bambino, Gerardo Carlos Morales Salinas.
They elected to have a simple civil ceremony on the roof garden of our beautiful Condominios LaPalapa inviting only close friends and family. Husband and I were proud and happy to be asked to stand up with this charming young couple whom we have come to think of as "ours." The small guest list included fellow "Bambino Groupie" Margaret Tolton along with Producer/Director/Friend Blaine Selkirk, his lovely fiancé Mariele van der Hoeven and her children Celine and Vincent. Of course Carlos' mother, Noemi and his father Genero, brothers Lazzaro, Immer, Giorgio and cousin Luis, the remaining Bambinos, were on the list along with cousins Jacqueline and Roberto.
Yoanne's mother Amelia and brother Benjamin who flew in from Oregon and friends of the bride, Mariel and Xaret, from Colima, where she recently graduated from law school came to be a part of this happy event. Carlos' long time singing partner and close friend, Galdino, and classmates from his law school at CUC, Ignacia and Norma, Immer's and Luis' beautiful friends, Esmerelda and Ruth, and Lazzaro's Cristina and her mother Paula, who luckily were in town from Oregon, rounded out the happy group.
The backdrop for the ceremony was the blue sky and the sparkling waters of Banderas Bay. Yoanne was striking in her off-white, off-the shoulder dress that complimented her petite figure. Her artful bouquet of white roses added just the right touch. The smile on Carlos' face made it impossible to even notice that he was appropriately and handsomely clad. My friend Marta Huante-Robles, a professional photographer, recorded everything for Yoanne and Carlos and for you and for me.
Husband, Carlos, Yoanne and I stood before a white draped table graced by an arrangement of white roses that complemented those carried by the bride. A very attractive and gracious young female judge conducted the solemn ceremony, talking seriously to the young couple about the expectations and obligations of each of them as they entered this new phase of their lives as well as the joys they could anticipate in the years to come. She accorded the parents of Yoanne and Carlos, as well as Husband and me the opportunity to say what we felt about this union. I was too emotional to say anything more than that I thought they were perfect for each other, while the others expressed themselves more eloquently, they ended up saying the same: they were perfect for each other!
The four of us and the parents signed the many legal papers presented to us by the judge legitimizing that now Yoanne and Carlos were indeed husband and wife. After that legal pronouncement and the traditional kiss, Galdino brought out his guitar to serenade the newlyweds with beautiful music of love and joy causing a rash of Kleenex to be pulled out to dab the already teary eyes of many of us.
After Marta completed photos of everyone, we went down to Restaurant La Palapa on the beach for the wedding dinner, where Yoanne and I had labored over the seating arrangement for everyone. La Palapa made a special souvenir menu for each person with the names 'Yoanne and Carlos' on the front that added a very personal touch to the beautifully set table for this perfect evening. The waiters of this, my favorite restaurant, were especially attentive to our group as they all knew Los Bambinos and seemed to be pleased that we had chosen their restaurant for the occasion. Of course we enjoyed a drink or two as we feasted on a three-course gourmet dinner, impeccably prepared and served.
Then came the champagne that called for traditional toasts. Husband, who sometimes thinks he is one of the Bambinos, started, followed by one after the other of the guests who rose to salute the couple. Some were more loquacious, some more humorous, but all were meant to extend best wishes and happiness to this young couple. Next came the wedding cake, adorned with real white roses continuing Yoanne's theme. But before the cake could be cut and served, another tradition had to be upheld, "la mordida" (the bite). Galdino did the honors on this night. He put his hands on the couples' heads, pushing them down into the cake where they had to take the first bites accompanied by much laughter and anticipation of the delicious bites all of us would soon take.
As with all good things the celebration came to an end. I know that the feeling of happiness that both Husband and I felt in our hearts was felt by all who were with us. No one could have started her or his life together with more love from those who surrounded them at their wedding than beautiful Yoanne and handsome Carlos. This was, indeed a perfect Puerto Vallarta wedding!