Consequat curabitur vitae nibh et ut orci senectus quis accumsan sem.
Laoreet tempus vestibulum in tortor tortor aenean fames id wisi enim. Quis id consequat nulla tempus maecenas est lorem parturient ante pretium.
Laoreet tempus vestibulum in tortor tortor aenean fames id wisi enim. Quis id consequat nulla tempus maecenas est lorem parturient ante pretium.
A true love story never ends. However, it does have a beginning.
As part of the prevention measures against COVID-19 the municipal government of Puerto Vallarta calls upon the citizens to celebrate the tradition of the Day of the Dead from their home, and that on Halloween, October 31st, they do not go to the malecón, as it is done every year, in order to avoid possible congregation of people in this space and not to expose their health and well-being.
Puerto Vallarta is known for it's long list of many charming barrios and at the top of the list is Barrio 5 De Diciembre. A bustling, festive area which is nestled between the beach and the hills, just south of the Hotel Zone. As in most neighborhoods around the city, it's steep, narrow, cobblestone streets are lined with taquerias, farmacias, papelerias, banks, souvenir shops and many other types of businesses and restaurants.