The representation took place in the streets of downtown Vallarta.
This Good Friday, Catholic Vallartenses in Puerto Vallarta participated in the representation of the Passion of Christ through the streets of downtown Vallarta.
Starting from October 31st Street at 11 o'clock in the morning, when the representation of the Stations of the Cross began at its intersection with Juarez Street in the Downtown neighborhood.
This was an experiential Stations of the Cross that took place in Puerto Vallarta after two years of the coronavirus pandemic.
Roberto Cordero Robles, parish priest of the church of Our Lady of Guadalupe in downtown Puerto Vallarta, acknowledged the effort made by the young participants who prepared the representation of the Stations of the Cross.
Along the route, the representation of the Passion of Christ was observed and admired by national and foreign tourists, as well as by hundreds of inhabitants of this tourist destination.
Throughout the course of the Stations of the Cross, many people joined the procession, observing as it passed by all those who represented the life of Jesus in all his stations until it ended at the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe, where it concluded with the seven words that Jesus said before dying.
Priests Francisco Aceves and Roberto Cordova, parish priests of the church of Guadalupe, participated in the tour.
At the conclusion of the visit of all the Stations of the Cross, the prayer of the Seven Words took place in the church of Guadalupe, after it is traditional for the Catholic community to meditate on the Seven Words of Jesus on the cross: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do".
At three o'clock in the afternoon, the prayer of the Chaplet of Mercy began, which was the hour at which Jesus died on the cross.
It should be noted that the Way of the Cross or Via Crucis (Latin: "way of the cross") is one of the most widespread devotions or prayer practices among Catholics.
It is performed precisely on Good Friday and on the Fridays of Lent and refers to the different moments experienced by Jesus of Nazareth from his imprisonment to his crucifixion, burial and subsequent resurrection.