The crocodile was 3 meters away from the person
At approximately 1.50 p.m. today, a man sleeping under a palm tree at the Marina Vallarta golf course was warned by a North American tourist of the crocodile that was silently walking towards him, so he immediately shouted at him to wake up and get out of there.
The surprised and half-asleep man saw the crocodile walking towards him and quickly started to walk away from it, fearful of it, without losing sight of it and without getting excited to get away from it. The crocodile was staring at him because when he saw the sleeping man he decided to go to him to take him as prey, so this man avoided the huge reptile that was going to attack him, so thanks to this tourist who commented what happened to this media a few minutes ago, the man was saved. The man managed to get out of the golf course without being attacked. Lloyd Wright, an American tourist from Houston, told this media what happened.
The crocodile was three meters away from the man sleeping under the palm tree on the golf course in Marina Vallarta. Before the gaze of tourists and residents who watched the incident with frightened eyes.
The crocodile was outside the lake, of enormous size, it is obvious that the man is not a resident of Puerto Vallarta, he is probably a tourist, since anyone who lives here knows that crocodiles live on the golf course.