Motorists will have to comply with the verification required to avoid pollution.
With the intention of providing an agile service, providing facilities to drivers and the commitment of not applying penalties during the first year of operations, this Friday, April 1st, the 7th Responsible Vehicle Verification Center will open its doors, located in Puerto Vallarta, next to the Corona facilities, in front of the 41st Military Zone.
While leading a tour of the verification center, Abraham Torres Andrade, general director of Air Quality Management of the Ministry of Environment and Territorial Development (Semades), explained that on Friday verification begins for vehicles with license plates ending in 4 for individuals and plates 7 and 8 for intensive use vehicles, "the 4 have all of April and May, as of June they will already be in default if the verification is not carried".
On the relevance of applying the program, the official argued that all vehicles pollute, even if they do not see a puff of smoke, "the main pollutants are carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide, the first is not seen and does not smell but it is a silent killer".
Some people say that with the sea and the mountains the pollutants go away, he added, but these do not disappear, they are transformed, these particles go to the mountains, "there the pollutants stagnate for a while, in areas of high population density, where people without cars live, who walk a lot to use transportation, and that is what these people breathe".
Regarding the resources that are collected, the Semades official argued, they are used to pay for the technological equipment and give it maintenance; of the 500 pesos of the payment, 105 go to the Environmental Protection fund of the state of Jalisco, which can only be used in environmental protection policies.
"If the vehicle passes, it is given a distinctive and constancy and if not, it will be given a technical constancy of rejection that must be carried; the citizen will not be bothered for a year and will not be sanctioned as long as he shows that he made the attempt, and he has until the next time -in a year- to pass the test".
The penalty for not having the vehicle verification is 20 UMAS, equivalent to 1,900 pesos at present.
The state official clarified that the payment of 500 pesos for the verification service gives the right to two attempts within a two-month period, "it is recommended before the first attempt, to take the vehicle to its preventive or corrective maintenance, tune-up to make efficient use of the attempts".
Iván Ángeles, in charge of the center, said that after having made the appointment in the portal and having made the payment where it corresponds, the drivers must present themselves with their vehicle in that place carrying their circulation card, the document and proof of payment.
At the reception area, drivers must present the referred documents; it is important, he said, that the cars are turned on all the time, since a certain temperature of the engine is required to perform the verification.
In this center -he said- ten vehicles can be attended simultaneously and up to 500 vehicles daily.
Regarding vehicles with foreign license plates, he explained that "any vehicle entering the state of Jalisco and residing here must have its vehicle verified; if someone is coming for a long stay vacation, he/she can get a free permit for 30 days with a six-month validity".
Considering travelers, "this is with the intention that tourists can stay without any problem, but if someone stays more than 30 days they must verify their vehicle".
If a driver does not know how to generate the appointment on the internet, he clarified, he can be helped in the Citizen Attention area of the verification center to come back another day.
After receiving the vehicles, the verification process should take 10 to 15 minutes. The first thing is a visual inspection to check that there is no spillage of liquids, engine oil, transmission oil, antifreeze, as well as the gas cap so that it is in optimal conditions.
"The tires of the traction are also checked, since in the dynamometer test the vehicles are put to roll on a machine, and if they are very worn it could generate an accident; also if the vehicle must change tires the driver will have the two-month period to try again."
He also announced that this program began with the seven thousand state government vehicles, of which 80 percent have already been verified, "of which 80 percent have passed and 20 percent have not yet passed, and are already in the process of maintenance and tune-up".
The opening hours are Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm and Saturdays from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. The page to make an appointment is Clarification of doubts 33 1299 1000 menu 2.