Parking Violations Continue For Parking In Prohibited Places

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Downtown continues to be number one for parking violations in non-permitted places.

In the month of January, 4,679 tickets were issued to private vehicles for various infractions to the Traffic and Transportation Regulations, where public service vehicles received 162 and motorcyclists 633 infractions. Jorge Alberto Castillo Núñez, Deputy Director of Municipal Roads, informed that the most recurrent infraction continues to be parking in a prohibited place and in January it reached 2,733 tickets. In that order are followed by infractions for not respecting the red light of the traffic light, which took 467 tickets, this only for private automobiles, because motorcycles deserved the attention of the elements and 633 tickets were issued. "An attentive recommendation is to put on a helmet to drive these fragile vehicles and in case they do not do so comes their infraction and here they stood out by making them 180 in total, followed by lack of lights with 173, for driving without license plates 82 folios were made and not respecting the red light 26 and for other offenses 172." It is worth mentioning that for not using seat belts there were 433 infractions, using cell phones while driving resulted in 172 people sanctioned, while for speeding there were 761 violations. For drunk driving there were only 12 infractions and in the line of "others", such as making a forbidden turn, not bringing lights, etc., there were 709 folios issued.

Recommendations to avoid parking in places not allowed, we know that downtown is a very busy area and does not have enough spaces or parking lots, forcing people to park in prohibited places, we recommend using public transportation and only in very necessary cases take your car, so you will avoid being fined and you will use your time better.