Motorists parking in prohibited zones
During the month of June, the Subdirección de Tránsito Municipal (Municipal Traffic Subdirectorate) issued various tickets, citizen attention and road accident attention, reaching 5,846 notifications for infractions to private drivers, in addition to 675 to motorcyclists and 200 tickets to public and federal service drivers.
A total of 73 tickets were issued for speeding, 418 for not respecting red lights, 798 for not using seat belts, 3,323 for parking in prohibited areas, 248 for using cell phones while driving, 18 for parking or riding in the bicycle lane, plus 05 for driving while intoxicated and 963 for "other" infractions.
In the case of motorcyclists, there were 127 infractions for not having lights, 260 for not wearing a helmet, 99 for driving without license plates, 37 for not respecting the red light and 152 for other infractions.
As for public service violations, 3 were issued for speeding, 27 for not respecting the red traffic light, 70 for making a base or prohibited place, 1 for driving with open doors and 54 for other causes.
With respect to accidents, 18 accidents were brought to the attention of the Public Prosecutor's Office because of injuries, 47 were brought to the attention of the Public Prosecutor's Office because there were no agreements between the parties involved and 163 agreements were reached in accidents.
In June, one person died in a traffic accident, compared to May, when there were no fatalities.
Regarding vehicles involved in accidents, there were 9 motorcyclists injured and taken to the Public Prosecutor's Office, 14 cyclists injured, while there were 307 vehicles involved in crashes, 62 motorcycles involved in crashes, 9 urban trucks, 19 cabs, 6 official vehicles and 10 federal public service vehicles.
A total of 108 private vehicles were stopped for violations, 149 motorcycles and 24 for abandonment, for a total of 181.
In the "Saving Lives" breathalyzer operations carried out on weekends, 237 tests were performed, of which 203 were on men, 34 on women, 61 were positive, 53 on men and 8 on women; there were 176 negative tests, of which 150 were on men and 26 on women.
There were 17 motorcycles stopped for breathalyzer, in addition to the infraction, 3 vehicles were stopped for infraction and 63 for alcoholic breath and a total of 1131 folios in the operation.
Regarding the support provided by Municipal Transit, there were 14 works, torches 2, various events 3, abandoned vehicles 6, caravans 3, pilgrimage 1, support to schools 33, recreational route 1, demonstration 1, with a total of 69 supports provided.
In terms of beaconing, 2,220 meters of yellow line, 3,720 meters of white line, 421 meters of machuelo and 7 speed bumps were painted.
These were the actions that personnel from the Municipal Traffic Department, headed by Jorge Alberto Castillo Núñez, carried out during the month of June to prevent accidents and guarantee the safety of drivers and pedestrians throughout the municipality.